- Basics of Machine Learning (University of Alberta)
- (January 2021 - Expected April 2020)
- Instructor: Dr. Martha White
- Teaching basics of statistics (MLE, MAP), function optimization, classification, regression
- Introduction to the Foundations of Computation I (University of Alberta)
- (September 2020 - December 2020)
- Instructors: Dr. Sadaf Ahmed, Dr. Joerg Sander
- Teaching Python to undergrad student
- Basics of Machine Learning (University of Alberta)
- (January 2020 - April 2020)
- Instructor: Dr. Martha White
- Teaching basics of statistics (MLE, MAP), function optimization, classification, regression
- Introduction to the Foundations of Computation I (University of Alberta)
- (September 2019 - December 2019)
- Instructors: Dr. Geoff Hollis, Dr. Sadaf Ahmed, Dr. Joerg Sander
- Teaching Python to undergrad student